Post 2 Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Since I was a little little boy, my mom, like a good educator and having the privilege, she always stimulus in comprehensive ways, like do a lot of sports, for example at 13 years old I went to the swimming and soccer school preparing for competitions every week, as well, my parents entered me with my brothers to a music academy and I started to study classical flute.
In the secondary school I have a really good marks so mi dad's family dreamed that I would study engineering (the typical) but I don't really know why their want it.
I never knew what I was to study, my school never teach me the possibilities, or invited people who have finished careers for different areas and tell us about their experiences, for myself y have a complete ignorant, mi family never tell me about her jobs, and I was a typical young, doing a lot of sports, I started a love relationship in the secondary, and I started to smoke weed and drunk with my school friends, having good times etc. I was certainly not worried about my future.
When I finished the secondary school I traveled with my backpacks to the southern road with two friends, in February in the middle of this journey when I was in Chiloe it was the time to enroll me at the university in Santiago, but I didn’t want to enter to the university, I wanted to still traveling for Chile, that day my mom called me in the afternoon and said “but son, by last, have the experience of being one year at the university and then,  you choose what do you prefer…”. Well.. after to a long conversation I decided to buy a ticket and return to Santiago and enroll me in the Bachelor of Arts Sound mention in the Universidad de Chile. My other option was commercial engineering that luckily I didn´t stay.
Then I realized an internal change of career and I enter to “Theory of the Music” because I don´t want to learn more calculus and algebra and I was interested  in learning more about music, also this year 2016, I met “Balmaceda Arte Joven” and different techniques of contemporary dance and I really love it and I was fascinated with learn more about dance and I started to taking classes in the department of dance as a listener until now.
Actually I’m participating in a multidisciplinary research group from the body in motion, about the extinct culture of Tiahuanaco and the Mapuche Culture.


  1. Hi Felipe! it’s very great that you are studying what you like and that you are interest in dance, hope see u in the department!


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