Post 1 - My Auto Biography (Amuley)

I’m Felipe Salgado Higuera, mi auto denomination is Amu, I was born on 24th October 1995 in Santiago de Chile, my sun sign is scorpion, my moon is in scorpion too and mi ascending in mi astral card is Taurus.
I studied in Santa Cruz School between eight and eighteen, it applied the Montessori method and their materials only in the elementary school. My experience in the high school was terrible, the teachers and inspectors in general don´t know what to do with dynamics, curious and restless students, I had a lot of energy that was wasted, misdirected, limited and punished... well, that's is a long history.
 I am currently studying "Teoria de la musica " in the "Universidad de Chile", and at the same time i am studying independently contemporary dance.
At present i'm participating in a research project about relationship between extinct culture of Tiahuanacu and the Mapuche culture in our continent.
I really love mi family, i live with my two brothers, we know and understand each other very well, and I'm very grateful for the spiritual and material reality that my parents give us. 
we all have so much to share.      Regards! 


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